ICR: Export Credits to ICR
Connect Wallet
Navigate to icr.carbonmark.com.
Export credits to ICR
button.You will need to connect your Carbonmark account wallet to export credits to ICR.
Connect Wallet
button in the top right corner the screen.
Connect to ICR
Connect to ICR
button and login with your ICR account credentials.
If you are not already logged in to your ICR account, you will be prompted to login with your username and password.
A prompt will ask if you want to install Carbonmark. This will install the Carbonmark app, along with the necessary permissions, on your ICR organization.
Accept the necessary permissions for the Carbonmark app and click
. These permissions do not give Carbonmark the permission to unilaterally transfer credits on your behalf from your ICR account.If installation is successful you will be redirected back to https://icr.carbonmark.com/import.
If you have previously installed the Carbonmark app on your organization you will be prompted again to install the Carbonmark app when revisiting https://icr.carbonmark.com/. Click install to connect to ICR and ignore the notification that the app is already installed.
You are now connected to your ICR organization. Your ICR organization account address will auto-fill in
Organization Account Address.
Transfer Credits to ICR Organization
ICR credits you hold in your Carbonmark portfolio account will appear on the right side of the screen. Select the credit you would like to transfer back to your ICR organization.
This project's ID will auto-fill in
Project ID
on credit selection.Enter
of credits you would like to transfer back to ICR.
This transaction is irreversible. As long as you have connected with your ICR organization account the correct address for your ICR organization will auto-fill. However, you should confirm the address.
button.A transaction will pop up in your connected wallet. Click confirm to send credits to your ICR organization.
Navigate to your organization's ICR inventory page. Your transferred credits should now show in your organization's inventory.
Last updated