Transfer Credits to/from Carbonmark

This section provides details for how to transfer carbon credits both to and from Carbonmark for the following registries:

One-way Bridged Credits

Credits from Verra's VCS carbon certification standard were transferred to our platform using a one-way process to avoid double counting as Verra's registry infrastructure did not support transfers of credits outside of its system.

The one-way process utilized was akin to the process undertaken when converting CDM certified credits to VCS or Gold Standard, whereby credits were cancelled in the host registry and then re-issued on a separate system.

In our case, legacy VCS credits currently listed on Carbonmark were cancelled in Verra's registry and re-issued on our underlying distributed ledger system by Toucan Protocol. Therefore, these credits cannot be sent back to a Verra registry account.

for Importantly, the environmental benefit of these credits was not claimed during the original transfer process, and we provide traceability tooling to link all VCS credits on our platform to the original transfer event on Verra's registry.

Last updated